Lawrie QuinnWhitby Marina development

Whitby Marina development

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Public Meeting - Friday June 11th, Whitby Pavilion

Attendance 435 people, Subject: proposed Whitby Marina development

The meeting was opened by the Chair and organiser, Diana Jeuda, with a brief reference to the earlier Marina development proposals of 2000, and an outline of the current plans. Diana introduced Lawrie Quinn MP, who had facilitated the meeting and been invited to hear the views of those present.

Contributions from organisers and officials, pre-arranged

John Freeman, organiser, has to date received over 800 responses from people opposed to the proposals, and has had no responses in favour. Mr Freeman has received 50 pledges of help.

Justin Coope, organiser, presented a petition from visitors to Whitby opposed to the Marina development, with 2000 names on. Lawrie Quinn agreed to present this petition at his proposed meeting with Scarborough Borough Council (SBC)

Rob Broadley, Mayor of Whitby - Whitby Town Council is opposed to the proposal. At a recent vote on the Marina development, out of 16 councillors, 13 voted against the proposal and 3 abstained.

Elaine Lewis, Whitby Boating Association * - boat-owners need improved facilities with especial reference to HSE (inadequate provision of lifebuoys, ladders, pontoons, fire extinguishers, access by emergency services, water disposal, security) and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act which comes into force on October 1st 2004. The amenity block is sub-standard, visitors' berths are inadequate, there is no dedicated fuel berth, nor dedicated parking.

Rates being charged are for top-class facilities, while in fact Whitby Marina needs a full programme of modernisation.

Whitby Boating Association has commissioned an independent survey of the Marina, and forwarded a copy to Scarborough Borough Council. The Association requests a meeting with the SBC Chief Executive, Harbourmaster and Portfolio-holder to seek a way forward.

* the above is a summary of a 2 page paper prepared for the meeting by Whitby Boating Association

Contributions from the floor

The meeting was thrown open to the public, the following points were made by speakers:-

  1. The plans by Evans are of a standard design which is duplicated up and down the country, there is nothing unique about them
  2. There is no taste, judgment or discernment about the plans. It is possible to sense dissimulation in the process. However sweet the pill may appear, the people of Whitby do not want the scheme.
  3. SBC has denuded Whitby by selling off many of its assets . How does Evans achieve the status of 'preferred developer'?. Is this proposal a way for SBC to gain income, a quick fix to help with a cash problem? Whitby is the Jewel in the Crown for SBC and the Council should take a long-term view of the development of the whole river, up to Ruswarp
  4. The example of the pumping station at Upper Bauldbyes was given as an example of what residents can achieve if they work together.
  5. Whitby has evolved over many centuries, making it what it is today. This could be lost overnight. We are custodians of the future, and must not be overwhelmed by the needs of boating people. In reality, however,these plans are not solely about developing the Marina.
  6. If SBC want the views of the people of Whitby, they should conduct a postal ballot. We should beware of small incremental building developments which will eventually turn into a large scheme. There should be a complete stop to building in Whitby Town Centre.
  7. SBC state that there is a need for more housing in Whitby. Government Guidelines state that buildings should be tall. Could Lawrie Quinn advise on government guidelines on building height?
  8. Presumably Evans will make a large profit on this scheme. Will any of this profit be shared with those who facilitated the scheme?
  9. There will be a referendum on Regional Government in the autumn, it will be possible to vote against Scarborough Borough Council.

The Chair intervened to point out that so far every speaker had been opposed to the scheme. Whitby would listen courteously to anyone who would like to speak in favour of the scheme. No-one came forward.

  1. If Scarborough Borough Council want a harbour development, why not locate it in Scarborough?
  2. (Speaker is a boat-owner with many years experience). Whitby is designated as a Harbour of Refuge. What if 6 trawlers come through the bridge at 2am? This plan is not thought through. During bad weather when the water is rough in the lower harbour, trawlers move up to the Endeavour Wharf and need to lay out their nets. How could this be done if the plans were to go ahead?
  3. The Marina needs a small restaurant and a picnic area with shrubs, where boating people and the general public could mix together.
  4. The proposed development is mediocre in conception, and similar to other boring dockland sites in other towns. It should be mixed use, with a public open space and appropriate light industry.
  5. (Speaker is a trained landscape architect).The visual impact of the development to be all wrong. It is intrusive in the amphitheatre near the water. How did SBC obtain the deeds to this land, which results from tipping into the salmon river?
  6. There should be a block on property development anywhere near the town centre, with reference to Whitehall Landings and Disney plans.
  7. It is possible for small people to stand up to big property developers, the example given being the 1970's fight against Rio Tinto Zinc and Armour Chemicals, which was won by a group of town folk who worked together.
  8. Development of the Marina should be everything to do with the Marina and nothing to do with housing. The Evans/SBC plan is re-development. It should be noted that Belle Isle has moved; it may not be possible for potential home-owners to get a mortgage in a flood plain.
  9. Since its inception in 1974 SBC has never acted in the interests of Whitby. Whitby needs a democratically elected Mayor.
  10. With reference to Whitby's status as a Beacon Town, Whitby is a tourist resort, there should be no new building on the west side of the Esk.
  11. Speaker does not agree with the generality of the proposals, but does nevertheless feel that something needs doing with the development site as it is unkempt and an eyesore.


1. 'all those opposed to the development' - 1 in favour of the scheme, a handful of abstentions and the remainder of those present opposed to the scheme

2. 'for the campaign to continue' - all in favour

3. 'in favour of Lawrie Quinn negotiating with SBC' - all in favour

Lawrie Quinn was asked to represent the views of the meeting to Scarborough Borough Council, which he agreed to do, he also agreed to present the petition.

Chair pointed out that the approx. £78,000 spent on the scheme so far would have paid for all safety improvements to the existing Marina. Chair estimated that it would cost approx. £100,000 to continue with the next stage of the proposals, re modelling, further consultation, polling etc.

Lawrie Quinn closed with a reminder of the ongoing bid to have Whitby designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which means that any negotiations with SBC will be conducted from a positive rather than a negative position. Mr Quinn also appealed for help with the 'Statement of Significance' for the World Heritage bid.

June 21st 2004

These notes are intended as a brief summary of the meeting, they are as accurate as possible but not an actual transcript of everything that was said.

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On behalf of Lawrie Quinn