We Preach Christ

The Four Gospels With Reflections

Index To Gospel Passages "A" - 52 General Themes

A1Good NewsSt. Luke 7.vv.18-23
A2AskingSt. Luke 11.vv.1-13
A3CenturionSt. Luke 7.vv.1-10
A4Thank youSt. Luke 17.vv.11-19
A5MourningSt. John 14.vv.1-6
A6Prodigal FatherSt. Luke 15.vv.11-32
A7PersecutionSt. John 16.vv.1-11
A8MarriageSt. Mark 10.vv.2-16
A9AnxietySt. Matthew 6.vv.24-34
A10Give meSt. Matthew 14.vv.1-12
A11CompassionSt. Luke 10.vv.25-37
A12If onlySt. Luke 19.vv.41-48
A13PrayerSt. John 17.vv11(b)-19
A14DeathSt. John 11.vv.17-27
A15Hypocrisy St. Mark 7.vv.1-23
A16Lifted up St. John 3.vv.13-21
A17Grace and Truth St. John 1.vv.14-28
A18Talents St. Matthew 25.vv.14-28
A19The Baptist St. Luke 7.vv.24-35
A20StewardshipSt. Luke 12.vv.41-48
A21Salt St. Matthew 5.vv.13-16
A22Reconciliation St. John 17.vv.20-26
A23DiscipleshipSt. John 13.vv.31-35
A24LabourersSt. Matthew 20.vv.1-16
A25ForgivenessSt. Matthew 6.vv.5-15
A26BreadSt. John 6.vv.1-14
A27LoveSt. John 15.vv.12-17
A28Courage St. Matthew 10.vv.16-22
A29EvangelismSt. Luke 10.vv.1-12
A30RichesSt. Matthew 19.vv.16-26
A31Adultery St. John 8.vv.1-11
A32Seeing Jesus St. John 12.vv.20-32
A33Sin St. Matthew 12.vv.22-32
A34PrideSt. Luke 18.vv.9-14
A35Paralytic St. Mark 2.vv.1-12
A36No sign St. Matthew 12.vv.38-42
A37New WineSt. John 2.vv.1-11
A38Blindness St. Mark 10.vv.46-52
A39The World St. John 15.vv.18-27
A40God CallsSt. John 1.vv.35-51
A41The WaySt. John 10.vv.1-10
A42Call of Levi St. Mark 2.vv.13-17
A43Remembrance St. Luke 23.vv.32-43
A44Saint PeterSt. John 21.vv.15-22
A45Transfiguration St. Luke 9.vv.28-36
A46Ascension St. Luke 24.vv.45-52
A47PentecostSt. John 14.vv.18-26
A48HandsSt. Luke 23.vv.44-56
A49The VeilSt. Mark 15.vv.33-39
A50Trinity St. John 14.vv.8-17
A51 All Saints St. Matthew 5.vv.1-12
A52Growing OldSt. Luke 2.vv.25-40

Index To Gospel Passages "B" - Special Occasions


B1  Advent St. John 1.vv.1-14
B2  Advent Joy          St. John 16.vv.16-22
B3  CurseSt. Luke 1.vv.67-79
B4  Light St. John 9.vv.1-12


B5  Birth of Jesus St. Luke 2.vv.1-18
B6  EmmanuelSt. Luke 1.vv.18-23
B7  Wise MenSt. Matthew 2.vv.1-12
B8  The Holy Family  St. Luke 2.vv.41-52


B9 Temptation          St. Luke 4.vv.1-13
B10The LostSt. Luke 19.vv.1-10
B11Exorcism St. Matthew 12.vv.43-50


B12The CrossSt. Matthew 16.vv.21-27
B13MaundySt. John 13.vv.1-15
B14 Palm Sunday      St. Matthew 21.vv.1-13
B15Passion St. John 19.vv.25-30


B16Mary MagdaleneSt. John 20.vv.11-18
B17ThomasSt. John 20.vv.19-29
B18 EmmausSt. Luke 24.vv.13-35
B19Faith St. Luke 7.vv.36-50
B20The WordSt. Luke 4.vv.14-21

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