This is probably the book which finally deters those who set themselves the task of reading the unabridged Bible in its entirety.

Leviticus is an extension of the account of the Exodus events. The material it contains is for a modern Gentile reader often irrelevant. Accordingly, the rules concerning sacrifice and ritual purification are omitted and only a few passages are recommended for reading.

The most attractive teaching in this book is contained in the following passages.
Leviticus 19.vv.9-18, vv.33-35

Morality and concern for the poor and alien are here seen to arise out of the concept of a loving, caring Sovereign Lord.
Leviticus 23.vv.23-44

The festivals and Holy Days prescribed here and elsewhere in the Bible are of interest, especially the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Booths (cf.Neh.8.vv.13-18) both of which are still honoured by modern Jews.

The laws regarding slavery are happily, and at long last, of little interest to modern readers.

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