(As much of the book is recommended here, this is better read from the Bible. Hyperlinks are therefore not provided - PN)

St. Paul writes a letter of encouragement to his helper whom he describes as his "child in the faith".

In the letter the Apostle gives detailed instructions on matters of church order and discipline, some of which do not apply today in the Christian church and are therefore omitted, but the most valuable material is his personal advice to Timothy himself.

I Timothy 1.vv.1-7, vv.12-17 and 2.vv.1-7

Timothy is exhorted to make good use of his gifts in teaching and leading a blameless life as an example to the Church, observing the duties that fall to his lot as a "man of God" and warning against the danger of a love of money.

I Timothy 4.vv.1-16, and 6.vv.6-26

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