General Introduction

During the years that I have studied, taught and lectured on the Bible, my love of Holy Scripture has steadily increased. In this condensed version of the Bible I now wish to present some of the passages from the Old and New Testaments which have proved invaluable and a source of inspiration to me and to those whom I have taught.

I am not assuming that the Bible may be read without help; for I myself, as all readers of the Bible (see Acts 8.vv.30-31) owe an incalculable debt to those who have expounded the Scriptures in teaching, preaching, writing Commentaries and Bible Reading notes. I believe, however, that the most effective and valuable way of studying the "Book of Books" is first to be guided into reading such passages as have here been selected, allowing these passages to "speak for themselves", and in "We Preach Christ" sharing Gospel insights.

It has been remarked that the Bible is "not a book that I read, but one that reads me". I am convinced that this is true; for it is a book that challenges and disturbs. As "Mark Twain" (Samuel Clements) once remarked, "Other people are worried about the Biblical passages they can't understand; as for me it is the passages that I do understand that worry me!".

It is my sincere hope that this website may bring some of its readers to a greater love for the "Word of the Lord".

H. E. S. Little, B.D., B.A

The Reverend H.E.S. Little, ("Eric"), was born in Bath, England, on 7 March 1921 and educated at South Twerton Junior School and The Crypt School Gloucester, winning a scholarship to read Classics at Exeter College, Oxford. However, national service during World War II intervened and he later gained his degrees of B.A. and B.D. through the extra mural department of the University of London. After teaching Religious Education in schools for many years in Gloucester he lectured in Religious Education at Neville's Cross Teachers Training College, Durham, (now part of New College, University of Durham). Having been a lay-reader for many years in the Church of England, Eric was ordained priest in 1981 in Durham Cathedral.

He married Emily Barr (who predeceased him) and had two sons and several grandchildren. He died on 18th February 2011, peacefully in Winchester, aged 89.

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