Tony Blair

2001 Election Section

Election Address
Putting Durham First
Five Goals for Durham
What's Gerry done for us?
New Voters
Gerry's re-election as Durham City's Member of Parliament on 7 June 2001 was a tribute to his hard work for Durham and its people.

From this page, one may access all the pages on this site that were a part of that campaign, and you can see through the next Parliament how he keeps to the pledges he made then.

Below are some election news items from the 2001 campaign.

Gerry Re-elected

Gerry speaking after the result

Gerry speaking after the result

Gerry Steinberg has been re-elected by the people of Durham City to serve as their Member of Parliament.
As nationally, especially in strong Labour seats, the turnout was down by 10%, reflecting the confidence of some traditional Labour voters. Inevitably, Gerry's majority was down in term of raw figures, but his share of the votes cast fell by far less, from 63% to 56%. This represents an excellent result for Gerry in the face of low turnout and a party already in government.
Election Results

Gerry's No. 1 fan?

Gerry (left) with Harry Henson

Gerry (left) with Harry Henson

When it comes to supporting Labour, Harry Henson does not pull his punches.
In his front garden on a busy main road in Durham, he put up posters and a large banner urging people to vote for Gerry. So when out and about on Polling Day, Gerry just had to stop by.
Harry was recently elected Chairman of Durham Labour Party.

Labour's team in the North

Labour's team at Prudhoe Gerry took a couple of hours from the demands of his own campaign on 30 May to give a colleague a helping hand.
Along with ten other northern Labour parliamentary candidates, including four government ministers, he joined the fight at Prudhoe in the Tory marginal seat of Hexham in support of the local candidate.

Hustings with Hounds

Gerry addresses the audience at St. Nic's

Gerry addresses the audience at St. Nic's

Gerry Steinberg faced questions from the electorate of Durham at a well attended meeting at St. Nicholas' Church on 22 May.
The regular election event, organised by Durham Churches Together, brings together all the parliamentary candidates for Durham where each could address the audience and then answer questions put to them. Also present were Nick Cartmell, the Tory candidate, Carol Woods, LibDem, and Chris Williamson, UKIP.
The questions covered a wide range of topics - health, education, railways, tax, abortion, fox hunting - both national and local, and from the serious issues of the nation's future and economy to the trivial like how many flags you can fit on a car number plate. Gerry's knowledge of Westminster and the political process and his experience serving on the Public Accounts Committee lent authority to his answers, and his vehement denunciation of fox hunting as barbaric drew wide applause but led to one woman leaping up at the back repeatedly shouting, "Am I a barbarian?" Her actions were eloquent enough.
At the end, supporters of each candidate were happy that their person had performed best.

Lies, damn lies and "democracy"

In a scurrilous misrepresentation of the truth, the so-called "Democracy Movement" has circulated a paper in Durham saying Gerry Steinberg wants to scrap the pound within two years and supports a European superstate.
The truth is that Gerry Steinberg firmly believes in democracy and supports the Labour Party policy of allowing the people to have their vote on this issue crucial to Britain's future. The "Democracy Movement " make no such democratic commitment. (Have you noticed that those who give themselves the title Democracy are usually the least democratic, like the German Democratic Republic - East Germany - and are in fact the most autocratic?)
Gerry Steinberg supports putting the issue of the Euro to the British people in a referendum when the time comes.
Now THAT'S democracy!

Produced and promoted by IT Officer, Durham City Labour Party, Nevilles Cross, Durham, DH1 4PJ